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9 Surprising Sources of Sugar
Eliminate These Foods Now For a Flat, Sexy Stomach

Article by Dianne Villano , MExPhys, NASM certified , Your Personal Body Sculpting Expert
Author  Of "How To Lose Fat & Reshape Your Body in 21 Days"  & "The Ultimate Belly Blast & Detox Program"


(Added) sugar By any other name still has the same effect on fat loss - it slows it down considerably by effecting hunger, blood sugar hormone and insulin levels .  If you want to create a truly “fit” kitchen, you want to minimize the added sugars in your food. The following are all “added sugar” by other names.

Crystalline Fructose
Cane Crystals
Fructose   (you can still eat fruit although it has no sugar added)
Corn Syrup   and worse,
High Fructose Corn Syrup

Honey (natural and not bad for you alone but snuck into foods along with other, processed sugars, not so much)

Surprising Sources of Added Sugar:

BBQ Sauce
dried fruit
(most)  processed carbs from a bag or a box (including cereals, breads, crackers)
peanut butter 
protein bars 
salad dressings 

Pasta sauces
sports drinks 







I challenge you to READ LABELS of anything you buy for the next month. You will be amazed at how many foods you eat regularly contain these forms of sugar.

Cheat Sheet  (some of these are obvious while some may surprise you) I've included artificial sweeteners in this list as they have the same effect on blood sugar, insulin and hormones as regular sugar. On top of which, their effect on fat burning hormones and the way your body processes these foods and stores them as fat.



  1.   Breads (even most "whole grains" and "wheat")

  2. Heavily processed snacks like fritos, doritios, cheese puffs,  cookies and cakes

  3. Drinks with high fructose corn syrup or added sugar.

  4. Anything labeled sugar free, fat free or light. This generally means more preservatives, sugar chemicals and sodium. What is the good of saving a few calories if your body won’t burn the remaining ones effectively and store them as fat?

  5. Pre made salad dressings especially “non fat” or “light”

  6. Frozen entrees and diet foods.  They are loaded with hormone ruining fat inhibiting chemicals on top of added sugar.

  7. Most canned/bottled spaghetti sauces


Replace With:


  1. Exekiel or other non process wheat based breads

  2. Nuts, no sugar added trail mix, string cheese, fruits, (dried or dehydrated)   natural peanut butter, plain potato chips (which contain 3 ingredients: oil, salt, potatoes) , pumpkin seeds, air popped  popcorn, popcorn popped in olive or coconut oil topped with a little salt or parmesan cheese

  3. Whole Grain, non processed  cereals like oatmeal, shredded wheat,  etc

  4. Dried or canned beans which can be made into a variety of soups and easily frozen for later use or made into beans and rice topped with salsa and avocado

  5. Home made chili or soup which can easily be made in bulk and frozen for later use

  6. Whole fruit juice (no added sugar), sparkling water with lemon or lime

  7. Plain or Vanilla Greek Yogurt with no preservatives. You can easily throw in some chopped fruit or nuts to add some “umph”

  8. Balsamic or Rice Vinegar and Olive Oil plus your favorite spices tastes better than any packaged dressing without the preservatives to ruin your hormones and bloat your body

  9. Spices like Jalapeno, Lemon Pepper, Rosemary and Tarragon are great additions to spice up just about any food

           Quick Tips

1.    Do not go to the grocery store when you are hungry or without a list

2.    Stay away from ANY food that says “diet” or “reduced calorie”. These foods are generally chemical cocktails containing many of the ingredients we want to avoid. (ex: skip the margarine and opt for whole butter or, better yet, olive oil.) It’s all about the portions.

3.   Stick to the outside aisles. This is where you will find the wholesome, unprocessed foods.

4.    Avoid store bought salad dressings (they generally contain salt, sugar, and more than a few ingredients on the “avoid” list. Opt for balsamic vinegar (no added sugar) and olive oil + your favorite spices on salads and vegetables. If you must, avoid “reduced” calorie and make sure your dressing does not contain any of the above.

5.    Nut butters are great to spread on apples and vegetables. Make sure the only ingredients are the actual nut and salt without added sugar or hydrogenated oils.  Almond butter and cashew butter are also great choices.


Hint: If there’s no liquid is sitting on the top of the jar, it’s probably not a healthy one



   If you haven't already done so, click HERE to grab your FREE Copy of my Special Report   "22 Big Fat Lies Keeping You From The Body You Want" and discover the lies the fitness industry (and maybe even your Dr) are telling you that are keeping them in business and keeping you from the body you deserve



Here's What to do Now...

On the next page, you're going to discover some extremely SIMPLE tricks that you can apply to your daily life to eat more, speed up your metabolism, fire up your fat-burning machine and sculpt the lean, sexy body you want .. without being hungry or working out 5-6 hours a week